Saturday, March 14, 2009

Are you on Twitter? Linkedin? Facebook? Leave your advice in the comments.

I caved to Twitter. It was a moment of weakness. But, as is necessary with all those social media apps, I feel I approached with a purpose: I want to find writers. But is Twitter best used as a mini-blog? What's the best way to self-promote without sounding like a douchebag spammer?

Have you had success on Twitter of Facebook or any of the other umpteen thousand social network crackhouses? I want to hear your smashing success stories. Leave tips, secrets, and suggestions to me and others new to the tweet.

Mad Cow. She decided to self-publish but didn't have a platform.

Announcement: Brave souls needed for open-forum query critiques

Do you need your query beaten down like a Guantanamo prisoner? Say no more. I'm looking for a few brave writers willing to have their original queries posted here at my blog along with my comments and a revised draft at the end of the process. The critiques will be available for the whole Interwebs to see.

I'm looking for at least one mainstream fiction writer, one genre writer (mystery, romance, etc.), one narrative nonfiction writer, and whatever else comes along. Email me at with the subject line "FREE QUERY CRITIQUE" and we'll get started.


Shouts about Jeff!

Leslee Goodman, a member of Lynn Vannucci's Beat the Book writing group:

He was VERY helpful. And so positive, articulate, insightful, knowledgeable...I think you're right: maybe he IS a genius!

And from writer Susan Neufeldt:

I wanted you to know that you gave me the best advice from any person other than Lynn.

Ahhhh, shucks. Thanks, ladies!

Words are hard. But I can help.

Welcome! *blaring trumpets*

I'm Jeff. I was recently a literary agent with Dunow, Carlson & Lerner in New York City. Now I help writers prepare for that brutal and frightening search for representation and publication.

The bad news: it's a scary world out there in the publishing industry.

The good news: individual writers have more power and flexibility than the big old dinosaurs in New York who've been making decisions for decades.

The better news: I can help.

In the coming days, I'll be offering free query critiques and pitch critiques via my blog. This will give you a better sense of the exact advice I can offer you and your fellow writers. Please check out my website for more information:
