Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Backspace: Jeffrey Moores is an expert

It's official. I'm an expert. Or at least according to the best writing consortium on the web, BACKSPACE.

With nearly 1,000 members (and growing daily), Backspace has been offering online forums and critique groups since 2004. They also host a formal writing conference each spring in New York City. Writers Digest has annually named Backspace one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers since Karen Dionne and Christopher Graham launched the community in 2004.

Way back in December, when we were still counting down W's days in office and wondering which bank would fail next, I participated in a query workshop for Backspace. This week it was an online forum welcoming any sort of publishing questions writers could muster.

Now, Backspace wants me to stick around and give advice on a regular basis as a resident expert, joining the ranks of fine folk like agents Laney Katz Becker and Jeff Kleinman. Visit, sign up (for a mere $30/year!), and tune in as I try on my expert pants.

Aside from opinions from me and a whole host of literary agents, editors, and published authors, you can join online critique sessions and discussion forums. Check 'em out.


  1. Just want to add for the benefit of anyone reading this that Backspace has disassociated itself from Jeffrey Moores after receiving numerous serious and unresolved complaints about his business practices from our members.
